Professional Experience

Attorney at Law & Local Counsel, practising in The Hague (1973-2003); Adviser Christian Democratic Alliance parliamentary group in the Dutch Lower House (1977-1978); Member of the Advisory and Editorial Board/National delegate of the Netherlands of the UNESCO e-magazine for culture and philosophy Philosophical Views & Thomson Reuters (2016- ); ORAL presentation Harvard University (2018); Fellow Member of Eudoxia Research Centre (FMERC) (INDIA) (2019); Nomination Dr. Hendrik Muller Prijs 2019 (KNAW); Conferences Harvard University (2018), University of Paris/La Sorbonne (2020), School of Marxism, China West Normal University, Nanchong (2020); Associate Member of The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP) (Washington, DC, 20064, USA) (2020); International Member of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW), University of Leiden (2020), Global Vice President of the International Philosophical Research Council (IPRC) at Eudoxia Education Private Limited, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of INDIA (2020); International Member of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW), University of Leiden (2020-2024);